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Campus Sustainability

Living Laboratory

As an organization committed to equipping people and communities to live sustainbly and care for creation, we are committed to "walking our talk".

We understand that it takes money and resources to improve upon a less sustainable system (buildings originally constructed in 1946).  As we find resources and methods to become more sustainable, we strive to engage community in the process so our experiences can serve as broader learning opportunities.

Recent improvements:

Community Energy Challenge - A representative of the Community Energy Challenge audited our campus to determine key energy inefficiencies.  Most of our lighting has been upgraded to LEDs.  We continue to focus on efficiency improvements as they are the most cost-effective means of reducing waste and saving money.

Sustainability Intern - Scott Stavely completed a sustainability audit at PRI as part of his graduate studies from Evergreen State College.  Not only did he make improvements to the campus while here he also provided a detailed list of recommendations on reducing waste and otherwise reducing our ecological footprint.

Solar Energy - In 2019 PRI added solar panels to our Granary and our Pole Barn. 
