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Get Involved

Why Volunteer?

A big place with a huge vision needs many hands and minds to be successful. We are always looking for enthusiastic people. If you have time and skills to contribute, give us a call and we’ll match your gifts with our needs.

Volunteer Events:

Prairie Days

Get out in early May with our Prairie Days. 

Seed Collection

Sign up for our email list to receive notices on when we will be collecting seeds.

Whidbey Island Cider Festival

Don't miss any news regarding our Whidbey Island Cider Festival by signing up for our newsletter. The Cider Festival be held on September 28, 2024, at the Greenbank Farm.  There are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities involved with an event this large. 

Ongoing Volunteer Needs:

Administration, promotions, artwork/graphic design, map-making, fun with databases, etc.

Ambassadors help host a booth at community events after a short training period.  Shifts are usually 2-4 hours, leaving plenty of time to enjoy the community event. 

Upcoming for 2024:

Whidbey Island Cider Festival on September 28th at the Greenbank Farm

There is much to photograph or video on our site including birds, coyotes, insects, prairie, savanna, forest, buildings, educational events, workshops, restoration work and more!  If you have a particular interest or skill we can connect you with the right people, place and time of year!  For the wildlife, come out anytime!

Plenty of work goes into the enhancement and expansion of native prairie, savanna and forest.  Throughout the year one or more of the following activities are available for your involvement and education:

  • native plant seed collection, cleaning and processing
  • out-planting bulbs, rhizomes, forbs, grasses, shrubs and trees
  • summer watering of newly planted shrubs/trees in their first year
  • nursery bed planting and maintenance
  • growing and maintaining native plants in the greenhouse and shade area

Are you a Mr. or Mrs. Fixit?  Does caulking give you shivers?  Painting?  With ~50 buildings on site, there is plenty of work in maintenance and repair.
